I lager.
Hrimnir Elit
42 900 kr
Detta är Hrimnirs nyaste sadel spm lanseerades på VM i Holland 2017.
En riktigt bra sadel, med bekväma knästöd som passar de flesta.
Basic features:
Individual features:
- Deep seat
- Hrímnir-Soft seat
- extra layer of BayFlex® foam in the seat for superior comfort and safety
- does not become compressed over time
- Classical design with deepest point in the middle of the seat for optimal weight distribution
- High comfort and good support for the rider
- Knee blocks
- support the rider mainly at the area of the knee
- offer good support and steadiness for the leg
- placed on the outside of the flap
- Wider gullet channel for optimum fit and weight distribution
- Made of the best leather available on the market
- Vegetable chrome tanned leather for best colour durability and superior softness